Moises Martinez-Ablanedo

An innovative product data management approach based on semantic vectors

Abstract: As we progress in the development of a product, we face more and more complex challenges to keep the product data integrity. Big firms developing new products have to split the work in different domains, by different phases of development, split by technology and communities. And once the product is marketed, there is product data coming from different phases of the life cycle like industrialization, spares or maintenance service.

At this point we have problems to manage a single product; this means the unique abstract product that exists seeing the whole product data from an integrated perspective observing the entire ecosystem of involved business processes. Instead we manage hundreds of products as many as different silos we used to make manageable the product data. But the product, behaving like an organism, remains always intrinsically connected. The initial developed product is in reality a kind of product embryo which includes infinite promises of physical product modelling. Product modelling that is fragmented attending to the needs of programme architects, product that is broken down by engineering attending functional aspects, product that is organized by industrial people attending to manufacturing job planning and classified in very specific ways by post-sales department attending to customer needs. In any case, we deal with a product modelling that remains semantically connected whatever !

Largely experienced engineers arrive to understand the design of the product in which they have been working last years. I saw how they connect the initial conception of their product at the end of its development with all the evolutions that were arriving later. I saw how each product mutation was having sense in their mind, product changes that were not coetaneous but finally matching in a timeless way. Like pieces that fit perfectly with each other and with the context, which was progressively drawn by the events through which the product went thru since its initial development.

This is the foundation of the new product data management approach here proposed.  It is centred in the range of possibilities that offers the aggregation laws based on correlating semantic context information based on the product change.


Presenter CV: CM expert on Product Identification. As an expert, he analyses innovative solutions, such as evolutions of business processes or new multi-disciplinary approaches. He conducts actions for disseminating the technical knowledge and the information from the intelligence network.

Before 2002, Moises was working in the National Institute of Aerospace Research. From 2002, he joined Airbus’ Office in Madrid, starting in operational CM activities, he was finally leading several improvement activities in CM and PLM solutions for the A380 program. Awarded in 2005 and 2006 with three different Airbus Awards for Excellence in Quality and Efficiency categories.

Appointed in 2008 member of the CM college of Experts, he moved to the Airbus’ Headquarter s in Toulouse and he undertook the role of CM process Architect. He started his new mission joining the concept plateau of new A350XWB program, in charge of the definition of the product architecture backbone.

Currently is driving CM research activities in support of next generation PLM solutions.